
Surgical Success Stories - 6 Surgeries! (#301 to #306)

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Eshale is 50 years old. She is married and had eight children, six of whom are still alive. She had suffered from her prolapse for one year and hers was an unusual type that primarily involved the small intestine, called an enterocoele. She is recovering very well now!

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Taylake had a very successful surgery. She is 65 years old and had six children, all of whom are still alive. She had her prolapse for more than six years before having it addressed by the doctors.

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After a blood transfusion the doctors were able to successfully perform Woyzare’s surgery. She is 40 years old and married. She had eight children and seven are still living. She’s suffered for two years with prolapse and it had even gotten to the point where she was having difficulty walking. She is grateful for the support of our donors!

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Elfinesh states that she is 50 but the doctors think that she’s probably closer to 65. She is widowed and had seven children, six of whom are still alive. She is accompanied by her granddaughter. She had very severe prolapse that was bothering her for the past year. The good news is that she is prolapse free and that she was singing during her surgery. She is a very very precious lady!

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Aster is 55 and she lives with one of her eight children who are still alive after giving birth to 11. She has her prolapse for the last four years and is now doing well back on the ward.

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All states she is 55 years old. She lives with one of her children. She had nine children and six are still alive. She’s suffered from her prolapse for the past year and was so happy and grateful to have her surgery performed today.



Thanks to YOUR generosity, 300 women have had life-changing surgeries to correct their uterine prolapse (UVP). What a joy to see the faces and hear some of the stories of these women. Meet some of them on our blog including patient #300, Abayinesh. ❤️

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Abayine - our 300th sponsored surgery recipient - is married and has delivered seven children; five of them are living. She stated she had heard that the surgery was free through Soddo Christian Hospital and that is because of your generosity. She was so thankful because she had suffered from this condition for 13 years!! She underwent surgery and no longer has her prolapse! Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this possible.


This is Abayinesh on her way home from surgery in a new dress that was donated to her. #beautiful (more on that later... stay tuned!)


Abayinesh with the excellent OBGYNs at Soddo Christian Hospital: Dr. Nate (left) and Dr. Mark (right)

Surgical Success Stories - 5 More Surgeries! (#295 to & #299)

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Bafite is 50 years old and is widowed. She had suffered from her prolapse for the past eight years and is now prolapse free! She has had a challenging life and gave birth to nine children but only one has survived. She lives with one of her grandchildren and despite her difficulties has a wonderful attitude, a beautiful smile, and a sparkle in her eyes!

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Alamayehu is also 50 years old and widowed. She had 5 children and remarkably they are all still alive! She had her prolapse for the past year but in that brief time it became very severe. She lives in an area which speaks a different language than the rest of this area. Fortunately she was accompanied by her son who was able to translate for her. She is now prolapse free and is recovering well.

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Meselech says she is only 35 years of age. She’s suffered from her prolapse for the past year. She had four children, all of whom are still alive, and her husband is still alive. She’s now recovering on the ward and should be heading home very soon now free from prolapse.

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Anshame is 50 years old and had eight children and six of them are still alive. Her husband is still alive and he works as a farmer in the area. She’s suffered from her prolapse and has now had a successful surgery to correct it.

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Goite is 55 years old and widowed. She had six children and four of them are still alive and she lives with two of her children in the Gadalla area. Her prolapse had been present for three years but she is now prolapse free as well. We’re not sure her smile could be any bigger than it was before her surgery!


Surgical Success Stories - Nigate & Bafane (#287 & #288)

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Nigate is 55 year old and from the Gadalla area. She had ten children and sadly only three are still alive. She is widowed and lives with two of her children. She was so happy to have her surgery and had a huge grin on her face before she went to the operating room. She had suffered from her prolapse for three years before coming in to be seen.

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Bafane had six children and four are alive. She’s married and lives with her husband and one of her children. She first noticed her prolapse about 3 years ago and is now prolapse free!

Surgical Success Stories - 8 More Surgeries! (#279 to & #286)

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Elfinesh is 55 year old. She’s married and has five surviving children after giving birth to ten. She’s had severe prolapse for three years and has now had successful surgery!

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Zenebech is also 55. She is widowed and has delivered three children and two of them are still alive. She’s had her prolapse for one year and also had a successful surgery on the same day as Elfinesh.

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Sonde Wuza is 45 years old and all seven of her children that she has delivered are alive. She’s married and had been suffering for six years from her prolapse before finally seeking help. Her surgery went extremely well and she is currently home recovering.

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Tomes is 60 years old and has delivered seven children, four of whom are still alive. She’s widowed and had her prolapse for four years prior to seeking the help that she received from the doctors in Soddo.

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Talgore is 55, widowed, and has four children. She’s also suffered from her prolapse for the past four years and has now had a very successful surgery.

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Wokinesh is 45 years old and married. She gave birth to 11 children and five of them are still alive. After four years of suffering from prolapse she is now free from it. Thank you, donors!

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Dalibase is 65 years old and had her prolapse for 10 years prior seeking help. She had six children and five of them are still living. Her surgery went extremely well and she is now recovering nicely.

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Dunge is 50 years old and for the last two years had suffered from her prolapse. She had five children and three are still alive. Her surgery occurred first thing this morning and she’s resting comfortably now, free from her prolapse.

Surgical Success Stories - Beyenech, Danate & Amore (#276 to #278)

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Beyenech is 55. She has given birth to six children and four of them are still alive. She’s had prolapse for three years and has now had her successful surgery!

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Danate is 55 years old. She has had seven children and four of them are still alive. She’s also had prolapse for three years but her prolapse was significantly worse than Beyenech’s… but her surgery went extremely well, too.

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Amore is 50 years old. She has had seven children but only two of them have survived. She also had severe prolapse that she’s had for five years and like the other women is now prolapse free!

Surgical Success Stories - Yogite, Adanech & Ayelech (#273 to #275)

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Yogite is 60 and has had prolapse for four years. She’s widowed and lives with one of her five children who are still alive after she giving birth to eight. She was so so pleased to be able to come in and have her surgery performed. She feels wonderful and should be going home very soon!

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Adanech is 47 years old and married. She’s had prolapse for three years and along with some other issues . She’s had eight children and seven of them are still alive. The team at Soddo Christian Hospital were able to successfully address her prolapse and other issues . She is recovering and doing well.

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Ayelech is 50 years old and has had prolapse for two years. She has given birth to six children and four are still alive. She lives with her husband and helps on their family farm. Her surgery went particularly well and she is very pleased with the result!

Surgical Success Stories - Faltase, Aster, Mesegebe, Amate (#269 to & #272)

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Faltase is a sixty-year-old widow. She has had seven children and five are still alive. She’s suffered from her prolapse for one year and was so happy after her surgery to be prolapse free!

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Aster is 70. She has had six children and four of them are still alive. Amazingly, she’s only had her prolapse for one year but in that short time it had gotten very bad. She had a very successful surgery and is now recovering very well.

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Mesegebe is a widow who has sadly lost all of her children. Some of them died later in life which is how she has grandchildren that she now lives with. She is about 60 years old and has given birth to six children and has suffered from her prolapse for ten years. Despite all of these difficulties Dr. Nate says that she really has a great attitude and a sweet spirit. It definitely comes through from her picture!

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This lovely woman is Amate who is 45 years old. She has given birth to five children and four are still alive. She’s had her prolapse for 10 years and had a great outcome from her surgery. Thank you to our donors for making this happen!

Surgical Success Stories - 5 More Surgeries! (#264 & #268)

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Tadelesh, who is 55 years old, has seven children and they are all still living. She is widowed and lives with two of her children. She had suffered with her prolapse for four years before coming to see the doctors. She is now on the road to recovery.

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This woman is Adanesh who is 45 and had suffered from her prolapse for 15 years before going to Soddo Christian Hospital.. She has three children and is widowed.

Dr. Nate says: “One of our interns who is working with us for the summer originally saw her in one of the outlying clinics and then she saw her again in the operating room to observe her surgery. When Adanesh saw her again in the operating room she was SO excited to see a familiar face and was grinning from ear to ear as she received her spinal anesthesia. She was literally smiling every time I saw her in the hospital and went home Thursday a changed woman!”

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Desalech is 50 years old and has three living children after giving birth to seven. She’s also widowed and has suffered from her prolapse for eight years. She went home a very happy woman.

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Shagite is married and has gave birth to ten children, seven of whom are still alive. Although she had only had prolapse for one year she had a very severe case and had a successful surgery!

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Meselech is 40 and has given birth to eight children, seven of whom are still alive. She is also married and, like Shagite, had only had prolapse for one year but her case was very advanced as well. Her surgery was the most challenging but by the grace of God it went well and she is recovering on the ward. Thank you for making such a difference in her life!

Surgical Success Story - Askale (#263)

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Askale is a widow who has delivered six children, four of whom are living. She is very poor and has suffered from prolapse for more than seven years. She learned about our surgical sponsorship project from the women attending a Bible study that Allison (our WRAPS partner) was teaching in the countryside. She happened to mention that we were helping women with this condition free of charge. Askale is so grateful. She said she thought it would never be possible for her to have assistance with this condition. 

Thank you for helping her regain her dignity.